Fraunhofer IOF - your partner for excellent photonics research

Are you facing challenges? We offer solutions with light.

Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering IOF develops innovative solutions with light for a wide range of applications. Our institute conducts application-oriented research and development along the entire photonic innovation chain and is at your side as a renowned partner in the field of optics and photonics, providing customized solutions.

On behalf of science and industry, Fraunhofer IOF develops optical systems that open up new fields of application for photonics. To cover the entire photonic process chain, we use our extensive expertise in the following areas: optical and mechanical system design, micro- and nanostructured optics, opto-mechatronic and precision optical components and systems, functional surfaces and layers, laser and fiber technology, imaging and sensor technology, as well as future technologies such as optical quantum technologies.

As part of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, our research is based on the passion to take on significant challenges and to break new ground together with our partners. Find out more about how collaboration with Fraunhofer works and discover Fraunhofer IOF as your strong partner for innovative solutions.

If you have any questions or are interested in working with us, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to advise you individually!

Areas of Competence

Depending on the task, we can offer the entire process chain or individual process steps for each of these areas - from design, to the manufacture of components, to assembly into opto-mechanical or opto-electronic systems, to holistic characterization.

Current affairs | News and events


Measuring gravitational waves with glass

For the Einstein Telescope researchers from Jena have manufactured highly sensitive sensors made entirely of glass for the first time.


series continues

The free webinar series “Photonics4Future” offers exclusive insights into our research at Fraunhofer IOF. New dates are now available.


mirrors for laser fusion

In the new SHARP research project, new types of high-performance mirrors are being developed for laser-driven fusion power plants.


Fairs & events

Tag der Raumfahrt
(English: German Space Day)
Mar. 28, 2025, Fraunhofer IOF
Schillerstraße, Jena

(English: Pupils Research Day)
Apr. 3, 2025, Fraunhofer IOF

Photonics4Future webinar:
"Multicore Fibers"

Apr. 10, 2025, online



Tag der Raumfahrt

On March 28, 2025, the Fraunhofer IOF invites you to experience fascinating exhibits and exciting lectures on space research on “Space Day”!



We invite interested pupils on April 3, 2025 to visit Fraunhofer IOF and to experience our research first-hand!  


Webinar series

With its new, free “Photonics4Future” webinars, Fraunhofer IOF offers exclusive insights into pioneering research and technologies in the field of optics and photonics.

What we create | Innovative research and development in the field of optics and photonics


Our projects

Together with domestic and foreign companies and research centers, the Fraunhofer IOF is developing a broad portfolio of solutions for innovations in industry and science for a sustainable future.

Center of excellence in Photonics

The Center of excellence in Photonics is a joint initiative of several Jena research institutes. Together with partners from industry, they develop new solutions using light for important future fields.


The Cluster of Excellence Advanced Photon Sources CAPS, led by the Fraunhofer ILT and the Fraunhofer IOF, is researching laser sources and process technology for powers up to 20 kW.

Fraunhofer-Center Erfurt (FCE)

At the Fraunhofer Center in Erfurt, three Fraunhofer Institutes (Fraunhofer IPMS, Fraunhofer IZI, Fraunhofer IOF) are working with partners from industry and business to develop new biomedical applications.

Max Planck School of Photonics

The Max Planck School of Photonics is an interdisciplinary graduate school. Coordinated by the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering IOF, it offers an integrated PhD program in photonics for international young researchers.

What sets us apart | A center of optics with tradition and vision


Photonics –
"Made in Jena"

The Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics IOF conducts applied research and develops innovative solutions with light on behalf of its customers from industry and research.


Three-time German Zukunftspreis

The Fraunhofer IOF has already received Germany's most important research award three times, thereby being honored for its outstanding innovative strength.


Open-minded research

We at the Fraunhofer IOF are convinced that diversity is the key to realizing great potential. We therefore say: “Excellent research requires an open mind!”


Our mission statement

Through our research, we create relevant social value and take responsibility.