Professional Training at Fraunhofer IOF

Cutting-edge technology with Fraunhofer

Examine the world from different perspectives, think differently, create solutions independently...


At Fraunhofer IOF, we train precision opticians, industrial mechanics and physics laboratory technicians. They are exploring modern technologies and, after the foundational training at our educational partner institutions, our trainees break through. Right from the start, they participate in work and project teams that work directly on research tasks and the development of the latest technologies.

While being mentored by experienced employees, our trainees are primarily introduced to working independently. Based on this multifaceted training, the trainees’ further career options are manifold and do not only entail a career at the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering. The qualification and experience earned at Fraunhofer are excellent references for research and industry.


Professional Training Physics Laboratory Technician

The professional training entails the collaboration in recent research projects in the fields Micro Optics, Optical Coatings, Precision Engineering, Laser Technology and Metrology.

Contents of the professional training physics laboratory technician

Learn more about the structure of the professional training Physics Laboratory Technician and which valuable conditions we can offer you.


Professional Training Industrial Mechanic

The training includes the use of modern machines and equipment such as CNC lathes and milling machines.

Contents of the professional training Industrial Mechanic

Learn more about the structure of the professional training for Industrial Mechanics and which valuable conditions we can offer you.


Professional Training Precision Optician

The training involves the production of precision optical components by hand and on CNC-controlled grinding, polishing and wafer sawing machines.

Contents of the professional training Precision Optican

Learn more about the structure of the professional training for Precision Opticians and which valuable conditions we can offer you.


Outstanding professional training

Josefine Canis completed her training as a physics laboratory technician at the Fraunhofer IOF in 2021 as a straight-A graduate and the best in the state of Thuringia. She was honoured for this achievement by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce of Eastern Thuringia and the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft.

Josefine became aware of the training programme at the Fraunhofer IOF by chance - a happy coincidence, as she now looks back on it. Her trainer, Antje Oelschläger, was also honoured for her excellent support. Find out more in the following article:

Contact Persons

You have questions concerning the application or the open positions? Get in touch with us – we are looking forward to hearing from you!

Katharina Wolf

Contact Press / Media

Katharina Wolf


Fraunhofer IOF
Albert-Einstein-Str. 7
07745 Jena

Phone +49 3641 807-456

Nadine Wenzel

Contact Press / Media

Nadine Wenzel


Fraunhofer IOF
Albert-Einstein-Str. 7
07745 Jena

Phone +49 3641 807-544