Investigation of functional properties of surfaces and coatings in the nano- and microranges by scanning probe techniques.
This contains in particular:
- Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), White Light Interferometry (WLI), Laser-Scanning Microscopy (LSM), Nomarski microscopy, Focus Variation Method
- Nanoindentation and nanoscratch testing
- Evaluation of surfaces and coatings
- Quantitative analysis
- Roughness, structure parameters
- Power-Spectral-Density Function (PSD)
- Defect sizes etc.
- Characterization
- Linking structural properties and functionality:
- Wetting (e.g. super hydrophobicity)
- Optics (e.g. light scattering)
- Abrasion, degradation
- Combination of characterization and design
- Development of data processing tools