But the big world of small quanta was by no means the only thing that young talents and renowned researchers debated with each other: With her keynote address "Gravitational waves in a new light", Prof. Dr. Michèle Heurs introduced the participants to a topic that - in the sense of the word - is making at least as big waves in research. Finally, entrepreneur Dr. Ruth Houbertz took us back to the small things with the event's second keynote: "Miniaturization of optics - where does this journey go?"
In addition to the professional dialog, the "Photonics Days Jena" focus on one thing in particular: networking. Be it within a scientific community or with regard to one's own professional career. With an Industry Breakfast on site in Jena as well as a virtual career fair, the event offered many opportunities to get to know attractive employers in the industry and to discuss one's own career possibilities.
Face-to-face workshops in Jena, for example on science communication or academic writing, and virtual online sessions, for example on intercultural skills or "digital detoxing" in a new working world, also offered the opportunity to hone one's own social skills and scientific competencies.