Photonics Manager Compact" continuing education program enters third round

Continuing professional development program for managers in the photonics and optics industry in Jena in June 2023

With the "Photonics Manager Compact", the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering IOF offers an international professional development program for managers in the optics and photonics industry. Due to the great demand in the past years, the continuing education will be offered for the third time in a row in 2023. The program will take place from June 12 to 16 in Presence in Jena. Interested parties can register by May 13.

Current research knowledge and new expertise in the key technologies of photonics are the focus of the "Photonics Managers Compact". The five-day, English-language professional development program by Fraunhofer IOF prepares decision-makers from the fields of optics and photonics for upcoming challenges.

Experts from the Fraunhofer Institute, the "Abbe School of Photonics" at Friedrich Schiller University Jena and the "Helmholz Institute Jena" provide an overview of current trends in the photonics industry, from laser technology and metrology to optical design and quantum technologies.

High application relevance with a view to current trends


The course designed is modular: The first moduls deal with trends and innovations in the areas of laser technologies, measurement systems, design of optical free-form elements as well as quantum technologies and system integration within the framework of the "Future of Photonics" focus.

The high application relevance and the focus on current trends ensure the transfer from research to industry. In order to develop in dynamic (corporate) environments and to be able to make effective decisions, system view and leadership qualities are important in addition to specialist knowledge.

In a second module, "Future of Leadership in Photonics", methods and approaches to the topics of "Mindful Leadership" and "Mindful Organizational Thinking" are therefore taught.

Sensor für Zellanalyse: Beispiel Messsysteme Fraunhofer IOF.
© Fraunhofer IOF
Modul: Perspectives of Lasertechnology.
Sensor für Zellanalyse: Beispiel Messsysteme Fraunhofer IOF.
© Fraunhofer IOF
Modul: Next Generation Optical Systems.
Quelle für verschränkte Photonen.
© Fraunhofer IOF
Modul: Quantum Technology, Micro Optics, & Coatings.

Diverse networking opportunities


In addition to imparting specialist knowledge and management skills, the "Photonics Manager Compact" is primarily intended to provide a platform for networking and mutual exchange. As in previous years, the comprehensive program will be complemented by various networking activities and evening events, which will provide the opportunity for personal discussions - especially with senior executives who are close to the pulse of current trends and developments in their respective companies - and for making valuable contacts.

"Photonics Manager Compact" as part of the Fraunhofer Academy


After the pilot phase, the five-day professional development program is now an official part of the Fraunhofer Academy, the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft's continuing education institution. As in previous years, the English-language program is being implemented together with lecturers from the "Abbe Center of Photonics" at Friedrich Schiller University Jena.

The program will be held at Fraunhofer IOF in Jena, Germany and will take place from July 12 to 16, 2023. Deadline for registration is May 13, 2023. Bookings until March 30 will receive an early bird discount.

Photonics Manager Compact Seminar 2022.
© Fraunhofer IOF
Part of Modul 1: Quantum Computing - an Introduction
Part of the workshop is networking like at the joint dinner.
© Fraunhofer IOF
An important part of the workshop: networking.
Two men sit together at the computer and give the thumbs up to the camera at the Photonics Manager Compact 2022.
© Fraunhofer IOF
Transferring solutions together.

Past events "Photonics Manager Compact"

New focus 2022: Quantum technologies


Key technologies from optics and photonics

A new feature of this year's continuing education programme compared to the previous year is a focus on quantum technologies: For the first time, the programme also includes an in-depth look at various topics such as secure quantum communication, quantum imaging and quantum computing, in order to be able to meet the industry's needs even better on the way to the second quantum revolution.

"Beyond all this, however, the 'Photonics Manager Compact' is also intended to be a platform for networking and getting to know each other," explains Franziska Krieg, coordinator of the programme. "The opportunity for personal discussions - especially with senior executives who are close to the pulse of current trends and developments in their respective companies - as well as making valuable contacts were therefore at the forefront for the participants of the event."


For more information and to register for Photonic Manager Compact 2023, click here:

Photonics Manager Compact

Photonics Manager Compact Teilnehmende aus dem Seminar 2022 vor dem Gebäude des Fraunhofer IOF.
© Fraunhofer IOF

Imparting professional competences for decision-makers


Application reference on the pulse of time

In 2021, the Institute organised the programme for the first time - "with extraordinary success," the coordinator says happily. Already in its first run, the one-week training format was fully booked. Participants came from Germany, but also from Poland, Austria and the Netherlands.

The programme was initiated with the aim of imparting current research knowledge and new professional skills in the key technologies of photonics in an application-oriented manner. The aim is to familiarise managers with trends and innovations and to enable them to make effective decisions in dynamic processes. From the beginning, the English-language programme was implemented in modular form together with teachers from the "Abbe Center of Photonics" at Friedrich Schiller University Jena.


For more information and to register for Photonic Manager Compact 2023, click here:

Photonics Manager Compact

Photonics Manager Compact für Führungskräfte und Entscheidungsträger im Bereich der Photonik.
© Fraunhofer IOF


For registration and individual advice, please contact our programme coordinator at Fraunhofer IOF:


Franziska Krieg

Contact Press / Media

Franziska Krieg

Programme Coordinator
»Photonics Manager«

Fraunhofer IOF
Albert-Einstein-Straße 7
07745 Jena

Phone (+49 3641) 807-212 // 807-809