New measurement technology allows high-speed 3D recordings in the vehicle interior during a crash test for the first time

The 3D Sensor That Survives the Crash Test

Jena / Stuttgart / Wolfsburg (Germany) /

The Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering IOF has been developing systems for the high-speed capture of 3D data for many years. With goCRASH3D, the Jena team is now presenting a new system that records 3D data during crash tests inside the test vehicle. It shows the deformation and movement of vehicle components during a collision in a way that was previously not possible or only possible to a limited extent. goCRASH3D will be exhibited at the VISION and IZB trade fairs.

For more than ten years, Fraunhofer IOF in Jena has been working on capturing 3D data with high-speed cameras. Essentially, such a system consists of two cameras, a projector and a computer. “The crux of the matter is not actually the camera, but the lighting,” explains project manager Kevin Srokos. The researchers in Jena further developed the GOBO technology from stage technology for their purposes years ago.

With the GOBO technology, a disk with an irregular fringe pattern rotates in front of a high-power light source. This produces a non-periodic sinusoidal pattern on the object to be measured. This allows points in the images from the cameras looking at the object from different angles to be matched. The 3D coordinates for the points in the images are calculated from the position of the cameras and the offset of the image points.

The complete goCRASH3D sensor in front of a white background.
© Fraunhofer IOF
The goCRASH3D system uses two cameras (left and right) and powerful lighting (center) to capture up to 12,000 2D images per second, from which around 1,200 3D images are calculated

Application in the automotive sector

The Jena team tested their system in the automotive industry very early on. “Back then, the system was used to track the deployment of an airbag with time resolution,” reports Srokos. “But back in 2017, we also had the idea of moving the system into the interior of the vehicle.” In a joint project with a major German car manufacturer, the Jena team set up a demonstrator for this purpose, which has been used for tests by the project partner since 2023.

With goCRASH3D, it is possible to observe processes in the footwell, for example, that were previously inaccessible or only accessible to a very limited extent. Areas obscured by the deploying airbag can also be tracked in this way.

3D visualization: You can see the goCRASH3D. It is installed inside a vehicle on the passenger's side. From there, it records 3D images of a test dummy sitting behind the steering wheel and hitting the deploying airbag during a crash test.
© Fraunhofer IOF
goCRASH3D (right) looks at the dummy with its cameras. The resolution of the two 2D cameras is 512 x 512 pixels each.

The technology in detail

The Jena team tested their system in the automotive industry very early on. “Back then, the system was used to track the deployment of an airbag with time resolution,” reports Srokos. “But back in 2017, we also had the idea of moving the system into the interior of the vehicle.” In a joint project with a major German car manufacturer, the Jena team set up a demonstrator for this purpose, which has been used for tests by the project partner since 2023.

With goCRASH3D, it is possible to observe processes in the footwell, for example, that were previously inaccessible or only accessible to a very limited extent. Areas obscured by the deploying airbag can also be tracked in this way.

High-speed recordings today and tomorrow

The goCRASH3D system is currently being used by the project partner and further developed at Fraunhofer IOF. At the institute in Jena, the high-speed recordings have already been coupled with other cameras so that the 3D images can be combined with additional spectral information.

The goCRASH3D system was developed for and with the automotive industry. “However, we can also imagine other applications in the safety sector or in sports medicine,” explains Kevin Srokos. In the medium term, the technology for 3D high-speed recordings is an excellent solution for the growing safety requirements in the automotive sector.

3D-Visualisierung: Zu sehen ist ein Auto, das in einer Crashtest-Halle auf ein Hinderniss aufprallt. Eine Hochgeschwindigkeitskamera filmt die Crashszene von außen.
© Fraunhofer IOF
3D visualization: A car can be seen crashing into an obstacle in a crash test hall. A high-speed camera films the crash scene from the outside.

Presentation at the IZB and the VISION 2024

The Fraunhofer IOF team will be presenting the goCRASH3D system from October 8 to 10 at VISION in Stuttgart (booth no. 10G92) and at the IZB in Wolfsburg from October 22 to 24 (hall 2, booth 2201).

This 3D animation shows the application of goCRASH3D in a crash test hall in a test vehicle. © Fraunhofer IOF