News and Stories from Fraunhofer IOF

2025 | News and Press Releases


Measuring gravitational waves with glass

For the Einstein Telescope researchers from Jena have manufactured highly sensitive sensors made entirely of glass for the first time.


series continues

The free webinar series “Photonics4Future” offers exclusive insights into our research at Fraunhofer IOF. New dates are now available.


mirrors for laser fusion

In the new SHARP research project, new types of high-performance mirrors are being developed for laser-driven fusion power plants.


More Power for Fiber Optic Networks

Fraunhofer researchers have joined forces with partners to devise clever ways to optimize data transmission.


Success at Photonics West

Three researchers from the IAP and Fraunhofer IOF were honored with the Best Student Paper Award at the SPIE Photonics West.


Goodbye GAIA

Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering IOF developed a key component for one of the spectrometers on board that could withstand even the extreme conditions in space.


Project QuNET

Research scientists at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) Institute of Communications and Navigation have set up a laser-optic channel between a research aircraft and a ground station.


New ultra-compact photon source

A new photon source has been developed at the institute specifically for the “prepare-and-measure” protocol of quantum communication.

2024 | News and Press Releases


MERTIS presents Mercury in a new light

On December 1, the ESA mission BepiColombo successfully completed its fifth of a total of six flybys of the target planet Mercury.


Project MEXSIQUO started

In this project, researchers want to realize cost-effective components with novel (quantum) photonic functions.


Anti-reflective coatings for laser inertial fusion

The new research project “nanoAR” is investigating methods for structural antireflection coating and reducing damage to surfaces for laser fusion.


Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2024

A total of 1,300 guests visited Fraunhofer IOF during the Long Night of the Sciences on November 22.


Fraunhofer IOF receives DPG Technology Transfer Award

The institute receives an award for the successful transfer of research in the field of quantum communication.


Representative of the US Embassy visits Fraunhofer IOF

Alan Meltzer, the most senior US representative in Germany, and US Consul General John R. Crosby visited the Fraunhofer IOF on October 22.


New infrared camera for safety in autonomous driving

Fraunhofer IOF presents miniaturized and cost-effective infrared optics for security applications.


Those were the Photonics Days Jena 2024

Career and networking event with Nobel Prize winner and 180 international participants in Jena.


Photonic quantum computer

With the support of Fraunhofer IOF, University of Paderborn has built a sampling-based quantum computer.


Siegfried Werth Prize for Anne-Sophie Munser

Anne-Sophie Munser was awarded the Dr.-Ing Siegfried Werth Prize 2024 for her dissertation on the detection of bacteria and microorganisms.


Key component for CO2M mission

With its CO2M space mission, the ESA wants to address the question of how much of the CO₂ -greenhouse gas in the Earth's atmosphere is man-made.


"Applied Photonics Award 2024"

The Young Researchers Award of Fraunhofer IOF for innovative Theses in Applied Photonics was awarded during the Photonics Days Jena.


WLT prize for innovative bonding technologies

Dr. Carolin Rothhardt awarded for outstanding scientific achievements in the field of bonding technologies.


The 3D Sensor That Survives the Crash Test

With goCRASH3D, Fraunhofer IOF is presenting a new system that records 3D data during crash tests inside the test vehicle for the first time.


Photonica 2024

For the second time, the Photonica Summer School inspired twenty young international scientists.


New innovation impulse for Thuringia

Announced at the Startup Germany Summit 2024 in Berlin: Jena will be the new de:hub for “Photonics & Digital Experience Platforms”.


On Ambition, Humility and Self-Efficacy

Julia Hengster recently completed her second triathlon. In her professional life, too, she knows that “Keeping at it is everything.”


PM of the BMBF on SE3 of the QuNET initiative

In the latest key experiment, several actors in Berlin are being networked with each other in a quantum-secured manner for the first time.


Successful transfer and strong partnerships

Center of excellence in Photonics achieves second place in the evaluation of the Fraunhofer Excellence Centers.


Small quantum source with great potential

An international research team has developed a novel method for generating entangled photon pairs using 2D materials.


New webinar series “Photonics4Future”

Our new webinar series will offer exclusive insights into pioneering research and technologies in the fields of optics and photonics, starting September 12, 2024.


EPS-QEOD-Preis für Jenaer Lasertechnologie

Für ihre bahnbrechende Arbeit im Bereich EUV-Lichtquellen und nanoskaliger EUV-Bildgebung wurden Prof. Dr. Jens Limpert und Dr. Jan Rothhardt ausgezeichnet.


Key experiment of the QuNET initiative

The joint research aims to connect several users within the Berlin metropolitan region in a quantum-secure network as part of a large-scale key experiment.


3D measurement
with no risk

3D-Vens Project aims to develop explosion-proof endoscopy for use in highly sensitive environments.


Photonics Days Jena 2024

Once again we invite students and doctoral candidates to the international career and networking event from September 26 to 27, 2024.


‘Thuringian Innovation Hubs’ want to promote innovative start-ups

New co-operation between Jena and Ilmenau to support founders in technology transfer.


SpeeD research project receives millions in federal funding

Spectral detection project among the top 20 of the BMBF's DATIpilot funding programme.


HyperSpace achieves milestones for quantum networks

First results of the research consortium are available after first half of the project.


Preventing cyberattacks on gas control systems

The new MANTIS research project aims to help protect critical infrastructure such as gas control systems from cyber attacks. The project has now been officially launched.


Jena research team receives Thüringer Forschungspreis

A four-person team from Jena was honoured with the Thuringian Research Prize for its research into customised 2D materials.


SPIE Photonics Europe Award

The “Best Student Paper Award” in the field of laser and fiber technology was presented to Gonzalo Palma-Vega.


Order of Merit for Andreas Tünnermann

For his scientific and social commitment Andreas Tünnermann has been awarded the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany.


Dynamic projected turn signal for increased road safety

The developed indicator light guarantees maximum visibility in a compact form, even under daylight conditions. 


New foundation for laser fusion research

Joint project PriFUSIO explores technological paths to commercialize inertial fusion.


Top performance for graduation as physics laboratory assistant

Jessica Thiede completed her apprenticeship as a physics laboratory assistant in the Laser and Fiber Technology department with outstanding results.


»Green Photonics« workshop

From 27 to 29 May, the "Green Photonics" workshop will focus on photonics as a core technology on the way to a more sustainable future.


Mobile 3D Measurement on Four Legs

Researchers combine mobile 3D handheld scanner goSCOUT3D with their robot dog from the Boston Dynamics brand.


Microspectrometer for mobile applications

Researchers have developed a very compact spectrometer module. It maps spectra from 39 optical fibres onto one camera sensor in a small space.


Applied Photonics Award 2024

The application phase for the young researcher award has started. Applications can be submitted until 30 June.


Mini satellite wants to take quantum communication to space

Researches have successfully developed a design for the smallest system of its kind so far, to take highly secure quantum communication to space.


New Milestone in Laser Cooling

Researchers from Jena and New Mexico have succeeded in cooling quartz glass by a record 67 Kelvin.


Federal President visits the Fraunhofer IOF

Frank-Walter Steinmeier honors futurology as part of the "Workshop of Change" event series.


Fraunhofer IOF researchers receive award

SPIE Photonics West: Researchers from Fraunhofer IOF and the Institute for Applied Physics Jena honored with "Best Student Presentation Awards".


Double slit for space spectrometer

A high-precision double slit was developed at Fraunhofer IOF for the spectrometer on ESA's FLEX satellite. The assembly will be exhibited at SPIE Photonics West 2024.


Excellent research must be open to the world

Statement of the head of institute about the current social discourses. We strongly reject developments that go against the rule of law and democracy.

2023 | News and Press Releases


Innovative beam splitter for FORUM mission

A new type of diamond structure will enable the planned ESA satellite FORUM to take high-precision measurements on the far-infrared spectrum.


"Go to Jena, You Are in the Right Place There"

20 years of Fraunhofer IOF, 25 years of IAP, 60th birthday: In a two-part series of interviews, we talk to Institute Director Andreas Tünnermann about his anniversaries in 2023.


"In the Scientific Champions League"

20 years of Fraunhofer IOF, 25 years of IAP, 60th birthday: In a two-part series of interviews, we talk to Institute Director Andreas Tünnermann about his anniversaries in 2023.


New (Quantum-)Tool for Biomedicine

Quantum imaging promises major advances in biomedicine. With the help of quantum physics, infrared microscopy could be used in everyday cancer diagnostics in the future.


CBQD develops new photonic quantum chip

CBQD is dedicated to researching new methods for quantum-safe high-speed communication.


Science Prize of the Beutenberg-Campus Jena e.V. awarded

The interdisciplinary team led by Dr. Jan Rothhardt was awarded the prize for the development of a high-resolution and lensless microscope.


Review of the Photonics Days Jena 2023

The Photonics Days Jena were "under a lucky star" on October 12 and 13: The career and networking event focused on space research.


Applied Photonics Award 2023 presented

The Young Talent Award was presented to the five winners in 2023 on October 12 as part of the "Photonics Days Jena".


New space strategy of the German government

Institute Director Andreas Tünnermann welcomes the new space strategy as an "important step for national space research".


Minister Tiefensee visits Q-net-Q launch event

New hub for quantum communication in Germany is being established in Erfurt: Starting signal for new research project Q-net-Q.


Bonding without glue & flying without engine

In July, Carolin Rothhardt competed in the Women's World Gliding Championships. As a scientist, she researches joining technologies for space and quantum applications.


New QuNET Keyexperiment

Researchers from the QuNET initiative have successfully exchanged quantum keys between two points using a combination of free-beam and fiber links.


Siegfried Werth Prize for Fraunhofer Researcher

With his dissertation, he laid the foundation for a new method for 3D measurement of transparent objects. Dr. Martin Landmann was awarded the Siegfried Werth Prize 2023 for his work. 


Thin metasurfaces instead of thick lenses

Researchers at Fraunhofer IOF have succeeded in producing a metasurface with a diameter of almost 30 centimeters using electron beam lithography - a world record.


Center of Excellence in Photonics celebrates "Day of Light"

On June 9, the Center of Excellence in Photonics invited employees, friends and partners to celebrate photonics research "made in Jena".


Science Award for Dr. Tobias Vogl

Dr. Tobias Vogl has been awarded the "Young Scientist Award" 2023 of the Beutenberg Campus Jena e. V. for his outstanding scientific work.


When light hits an atom

The Collaborative Research Center "NOA - Nonlinear Optics on Atomic Scales" has been conducting research on questions of light-matter interaction funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) since 2019.


Replacing hand gestures with holography

The MaMeK joint project, which is focusing on projection systems for human-machine communication, will present their findings at the LASER World of PHOTONICS trade fair in Munich from June 27 to 30 (Booth 415, Hall A2).


Fraunhofer Prize for innovative satellite technology

Researchers from the Fraunhofer IOF, among others, receive a Fraunhofer Prize for novel satellite technology "LisR".


Tracking tumors with quantum optics

The QUANCER research alliance is conducting research on a new imaging method using quantum microscopy. The aim is to accelerate tumour diagnostics using quantum imaging.


Fraunhofer Photonica Summer School

Students and graduates can register until 31 May. From 17 to 29 September, interested parties will have the opportunity to experience research on applied photonics during a study trip. Participation is free of charge.


French Embassy visits Jena

Under the leadership of the French Embassy in Germany, a delegation of French representatives from politics, science and industry visited the Fraunhofer IOF on May 11.


Mobile scanner for "digital twins"

By flexibly measuring complex 3D objects, a new, mobile handheld scanner offers new possibilities for digitization and quality control.


Telescope from Jena launches into space

On April 13, the JUICE mission starts to explore Jupiter and its moons. On board of the spacecraft: GALA, an instrument co-developed by Fraunhofer IOF.


High-precision down to the nanometer

A new production architecture SWAP-IT enables scalable production of high-precision components with 30 % less manufacturing time.


discover science

For the "Forsche-Schüler-Tag" (Researcher Student Day) on April 27, students will have the opportunity to discover research at Fraunhofer IOF.


Full EUV power on laboratory scale

Jena researcher Robert Klas was awarded the Hugo Geiger Prize for the development of a compact high-power EUV source.


With ink and pen into the world of quanta

Jena scientist honored in BMBF caricature competition.


Making Europe fit for quantum communication via satellite

Project QUDICE aims to develop space-qualified hardware for quantum key exchange in space.


Members of Parliament at Fraunhofer IOF

Members of Parliament from Europe, the Federal Government and the State inform themselves at Fraunhofer IOF about quantum research as a chance for a sovereign Europe.


New features for silicon photonics

Researchers at Fraunhofer IOF will develop advanced functionalities for silicon-based photonic devices in the SILIQUA project.


OCLA for the first time in Jena

The Fraunhofer IOF and the Research and Innovation Center RhySearch invite you to the eighth international symposium OCLA in Jena on March 28 and 29, 2023.


Photonics Manager Compact 2023

For the third time, the Fraunhofer IOF is offering the "Photonics Manager Compact" as an international advanced training programme for managers in the optics and photonics industry.


Quantum communication for industry

The umbrella project Quantum Communication Germany SQuaD brings together central partners to bundle competencies in quantum communication.


More power for laser communication in space

At SPIE Photonics West, Fraunhofer IOF will present a newly developed wavelength division multiplexer that makes data transmissions significantly more powerful.


Optics without fogging and hardly any reflection

A new coating system from Fraunhofer IOF enhances the performance of LiDAR systems and other sensor and camera systems.


More women in photonics and optics

We invite female students and graduates from STEM subjects to join us in Jena for the "Fraunhofer Science Campus 2023" on March, 23 and 24, 2023.


Funding for fresh research ideas

On January 12, the elevator pitches of the "Digital Innovation Hub Photonics" took place. Five teams received research funding for their ideas in optics and photonics.


Quantum and neuromorphic computing

New research fab aims to bundle expertise and accelerate industrial application of latest quantum and neuromorphic computing hardware.


Quantum measurements more precise than ever

An international research team, including members of Fraunhofer IOF, has succeeded in developing a new and particularly precise type of quantum measurement.

2022 | News und Pressemitteilungen


DIHP Pitch 2023: Apply now!

Until December 14, interested start-ups can apply with their research and business ideas and win research budgets.


BMBF Award for Fraunhofer Researcher

Fraunhofer researcher Uday Chandrashekara has been honored by the BMBF for his outstanding master's thesis on applied quantum technologies.


»Long Night of the Sciences«

On November 25, Fraunhofer IOF opened its doors. The broad spectrum of presentations and hands-on activities were enjoyed a lively demand.


Local test track for quantum communication

Quantum communication via free beams is being researched on a test track in Jena. The test track will be demonstrated live during the »Long Night of the Sciences Jena«.


New spectral ranges for integrated optics

The research project RAINBOW aims to develop new wavelength ranges for integrated optics and thus new applications.


Research project HYPERSPACE

Researchers from Europe and Canada are working together to lay the foundation for an intercontinental network for quantum communication.


Revolutionary technology for imaging

The regional research alliance AMI has been launched. It will promote the development of multimodal imaging techniques.


Start-up »mcd« helps bring ultra-thin camera to market

Compact mini camera for slimmer smartphones and safety in autonomous driving.


Career and networking event 2022

The »Photonics Days Jena« were again met with great international demand: a total of 18 nationalities were present at the event for students and doctoral candidates in the field of optics and photonics.


Presentation of the Applied Photonics Award 2022

On October 5, the Fraunhofer IOF's young talent award was presented to five outstanding final theses as part of the »Photonics Days Jena 2022«.


3D camera facilitates new safety features

Fraunhofer IOF has collaborated with BMW to develop a miniaturized wide-angle 3D camera system that promises greater safety in autonomous driving.


Research with heart

Together with partners, Fraunhofer IOF has developed innovative heart valves and pumps in a long-term cooperation. On the occasion of World Heart Day, we take a look at the history of the joint research work.


Special fiber technologies from Thuringia

The new research alliance QUANTIFISENS in Thuringia will develop an innovative sensor platform based on fiber optic and quantum mechanical methods.


Quantum key successfully exchanged

Partners of Fraunhofer IOF were able to exchange quantum keys for the first time on the Fraunhofer IOF fiber-based test track between Erfurt and Jena.


Council for technological sovereignty

Prof. Dr. Andreas Tünnermann was appointed member of the newly founded »Rat für technologische Souveränität«  of the BMBF. The board met for its inaugural meeting on September 1, 2022.

Please read in german.


New optical fibers convert the color of light

A research team has succeeded for the first time in functionalizing optical fibers in such a way that they transform invisible infrared light into red light.


Jena researchers reach for the stars

Fraunhofer IOF is involved in aerospace missions with many of its systems. Representatives from research, industry and politics came together to discuss current challenges.


EUV lithography for everyone

Visitors to the Deutsches Museum in Munich can explore how EUV mirror optics work on a new demonstrator.


Institute celebrates 30th anniversary and topping-out ceremony

On July 7, the institute celebrated 30 years of research. In addition, the topping-out ceremony for a new research building was held for, among other things, future quantum research.


Workshop on ultra-precision manufacturing

Fraunhofer IOF and OptoNet e.V. organize once again their international workshop “Ultra Precision Manufacturing of Aspheres and Freeforms" from September 14 to 15 in Jena.


Students experimenting with Fraunhofer quantum computer

Fraunhofer IOF enables student experiments with »IBM QSystemOne«.


The second quantum revolution

Making quantum optics usable for science and industry - Fraunhofer IOF presents various demonstrators with new approaches.


New hope in the fight against cancer

Together with industrial partner Varian Medical Systems, Fraunhofer IOF has developed a novel system for the radiation treatment of tumors, which has been awarded the Joseph von Fraunhofer Prize.


Environmental mission EnMAP

Mirrors manufactured at Fraunhofer IOF have been launched into space as part of the hyperspectral satellite »EnMAP«. From space, it is designed to analyze our environment in the future and make potential natural hazards visible.


»Best Paper Awards«

Two research teams from Fraunhofer IOF and TU Ilmenau were honored at the SPIE conference in Orlando for their innovative contributions with the »Best Paper Awards«.


Applied Photonics Award 2022

From April 1 to June 30, students and doctoral candidates can once again submit their theses for the Fraunhofer IOF young talent award.


LASER World of Photonics

Fraunhofer institutes will present their developments in the field of quantum technologies at the »World of Quantum« from April 26 to 29.


Laser system to search for life in space

Fraunhofer IOF is supplying a miniaturized laser module for the mobile laboratory of the Mars rover for the ExoMars mission in 2022. The rover is to search for traces of life.


Idea Pitches of the DIHP

On May 23, 2022, the Digital Innovation Hub Photonics (DIHP) is once again inviting ideation teams, startups, and SMEs to present their innovative projects.

Please read in german.


Research funding for quantum chips

Consortium receives funding for a demonstration and test facility for quantum computer chips. Fraunhofer IOF takes over development tasks with IAP.


New 3D sensor for industrial manufacturing

Visit us at Control and HMI 2022 to learn about our thermographic 3D sensor that makes transparent objects visible to robots for the first time.


3D technologies for MMI

The BMBF-funded research alliance »3Dsensation« comes to an end after eight years and showcases a wide range of systems.


»QUILT« pushes boundaries of optics

Fraunhofer lead project QUILT on quantum entangled photons performs important pioneering work for scientific and technical development of the field.

2021 | News und Pressemitteilungen


Optics from Jena launch into space

The James Webb Space Telescope embarks on its journey to explore the universe. On board are high-precision mirrors manufactured at Fraunhofer IOF.


Lothar Späth Award

Researchers at Fraunhofer IOF and their partners have been awarded the Lothar Späth Award for the development of high-performance metal optics.


Highly professional development program

With the »Photonics Manager Compact« we provide you with exclusive insights into the most important future markets and latest technologies in photonics - register now!


ThEx Award for Robust AO

Robust AO, a Jena-based start-up and Fraunhofer IOF spin-off, has been awarded the Thuringia Start-up Prize. The company was able to convince the jury in the category FOUNDING.


High-tech solutions for medical technology

At COMPAMED 2021 from November 15 to 18, Fraunhofer IOF will present technologies for 3D printing as well as components for »Lab-on-a-Chip«-systems from November 15 to 18.


New reflecting telescope for use in space

A new reflecting telescope for the International Space Station (ISS) aims to provide answers to climate change. It was developed by researchers from Jena and Freiburg.


Excellent vocational training

On November 4, 2021, Josefine Canis was honored as the best in the country for her training as a physics laboratory technician at Fraunhofer IOF.


Award ceremony with Nobel Prize winner

Clean water, space debris removal, new methods for endoscopy and more powerful lasers – Fraunhofer IOF honors innovative final theses.


Looking back on the Photonics Days Jena '21

A Nobel laureate, two funding awards, 45 agenda highlights, almost 50 speakers and nearly 600 participants at this year's career and networking event.


Spectrometer »MERTIS« says hello to Mercury

The space probe »BepiColombo« flies to Mercury. On board: A spectrometer developed at Fraunhofer IOF, which provided the first photo images.


High-security communication for public authorities

On August 10, the QuNET initiative launched the first quantum-secured videoconference between two german federal agencies.


More flexibility for the manufacturing of free-form micro-optics

The faster and easier production of free-form micro-optics in larger quantities - that is the goal of »HighFive«.


Research project QZell

The new research project »QZell« explores highly transparent antireflective coatings that can be used in pioneering quantum applications.


New research collaborations at the Center of Excellence in Photonics

With nearly three million euros in funding, the Photonics Performance Center is further expanding its research.


Optics and laser technology for European quantum computer

The EU project »AQTION« aims to realize a scalable ion-based quantum computer.

Please read in german.


Funding for new lithography facility

The Thuringian Ministry of Economics, Science, and Digital Society is providing 12 million euros to support the acquisition of a new  lithography system at the Fraunhofer IOF.


Foundation stone for new research building

Fraunhofer IOF is expanding its research buildings. Together with representatives from politics and and science, the foundation stone was laid on July 15.


Six million for quantum research

On May 31, the competence center »Quantum Hub Thüringen« was opened in Erfurt. The network aims to promote quantum research in Freistatt in the future.


International Day of Light

On May 16, the focus of research and science is on light. With its research, Fraunhofer IOF contributes to this on a global scale.


Funding of quantum research

With a stimulus package for the future of 1.1 billion euros over the next five years, the BMBF intends to promote the development of quantum technologies in Germany over the next five years.


New 3D sensor detects transparent objects

Researchers at Fraunhofer IOF have developed a new measurement method for 3D shape detection for objects with so-called »uncooperative surfaces«.


Hannover Messe Digital

Fraunhofer IOF presents latest technologies for future markets of quantum technologies at HANNOVER MESSE in the digital space.


SPIE Photonics West

Fraunhofer IOF presents future technologies in the fields of quantum, laser, and free-form optics at North America's largest photonics trade show.


Making fiber optics even more efficient

Fiber optic networks must become more efficient in order to meet the standards of future technologies. Two new research projects are tackling this task.


Service robots against the pandemic

In the »Mobile Disinfection« (MobDi) research project, 12 Fraunhofer institutes are pooling their expertise to contribute to a safe »new normal« in pandemic times. 


Quantum Optics Jena convinces investors

Fraunhofer IOF spin-off for the development of high-security communication systems can offer quantum-based solutions for state-of-the-art communication systems thanks to new investors.



Fraunhofer IOF will present optical systems for space research and quantum communication at the digital edition of PHOTONICS+ on February 17–18.


»Digital Pitch 2021«

New business ideas and young research in the field of optics and photonics – at Jena's »Digital Innovations Hub Photonics«, innovative research and start-up projects were once again honored.


Robot learns to understand human gestures

In the future, a robot assistant co-developed at Fraunhofer IOF will allow human-machine interaction based on human gestures.


Robots for logistics and trade

The research alliance »3Dsensation« presents new solutions for the use of intelligent robots at CES 2021.



Microscopy and communication – Fraunhofer IOF presents technologies from the world of quantum at the international electronics fair.

2020 | News und Pressemitteilungen


Highly secure quantum communication

Federal Research Minister and research institutes present first results of the BMBF initiative »QuNET« on highly secure quantum communication.


Photon source at the 2020 Digital Summit

At the Digital Summit 2020, German Chancellor Angela Merkel visits the photon source developed by Fraunhofer IOF at the Digital Summit 2020.


Kicking off the »FastGhost« project

The quantum project “FastGhost” develops a new microscope and aims to turn Quantum Ghost Imaging into a usable technology. 


German Future Prize 2020

For the third time, researchers of Fraunhofer IOF are awarded the German Future Prize and honored for their research and innovative strength.


Award-winning spin-off

»SPACEOPTIX«, a Fraunhofer IOF spin-off, was awarded the Thuringian Innovation Prize for its developments for aerospace applications.

Please read in german.


Space vision

The young Fraunhofer IOF spin-off “SPACEOPTIX” wants to explore the vastness of space with optical components and systems for aerospace applications. 

Please read in german.


Future of human-machine interaction

Research Alliance »3Dsensation« submits strategy paper to the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research to promote human-machine interaction.

Please read in german.


Breaking chains of infection

Researchers at Fraunhofer IOF and TU Ilmenau develop 3D sensor that can record human vital signs without contact. 


Political visit to the quantum labs

Members of parliament visited two quantum laboratories and learned about future-oriented projects in the field of quantum research at the Fraunhofer IOF.

Please read in german.


Photonics Days Jena

Creativity meets career planning! Fraunhofer IOF and the Max Planck School of Photonics hosted their networking and career event for students on September 21 and 22.


New light for the digital age

Developers from TRUMPF, ZEISS and Fraunhofer have been nominated for the German Future Prize 2020 for their EUV project.


Quantum application laboratory in Erfurt

The newly opened quantum application laboratory provides space and equipment for research and development of quantum technologies.

Please read in german.


Optical laser cooling

Optically cooled quartz glass as the cooling and refrigerant of the future – our glass material, which is used in high-power fiber lasers, made laser cooling in fused silica possible for the first time.


Using scattered light to achieve perfect optics

In order to detect unwanted scattered light components, scattered light measurement techniques are developed at Fraunhofer IOF. 


Virtual networking and career event

The international career and networking event of Fraunhofer IOF for students of optics and photonics takes place virtually for the first time this year.

Please read in german.


Ultracompact multispectral camera

Researchers at Fraunhofer IOF have developed a new multispectral camera that overcomes conventional limitations of camera systems.


60th anniversary of the laser

Laser researchers in Jena are celebrating the birthday of the laser. The City of Light is among the spearheads of research in the field of laser technology.



Automatic welding processes thanks to 3D monitoring

The automation process of welding operations is made easier by a newly developed 3D sensor system.


Quantum technologies in Germany

»acatech IMPULS« presents the current state of quantum technologies in Germany. The institute's director, Prof. Andreas Tünnermann, was also interviewed.

Please read in german.


International Microoptics Conference

Fraunhofer IOF invites experts to the international Microoptics Conference MOC2020 in Jena. 


Professional development program at Fraunhofer IOF

Fraunhofer IOF launches a new, international professional development program for managers in the optics and photonics industry.


Making the invisible visible

Researchers at Fraunhofer IOF developed a promising quantum imaging solution that can provide the most accurate insights into tissue samples.


LIDAR system successfully deployed in space

The LIDAR laser system, co-developed by Fraunhofer IOF researchers, helps to detect space objects and locate them with centimeter precision.


Patient-friendly analysis device

Using  »Snifits4Health«, measuring metabolite concentrations in the blood within minutes could soon become a reality. Researchers want to develop a portable measuring device.


DIHP Elevator Pitches

Climate satellites, space optics, and photon sources – start-up enthusiasts presented their ideas  to a jury of experts as part of the Digital Innovation Hub Photonics.

Please read in german.


Securing evidence at crime scenes

The 3DF scanner developed at Fraunhofer IOF secures traces left behind within seconds without interference. The scanner has now been presented at GPEC.

Please read in german.


QRNG Workshop

From January 23 – 24, the »Quantum Random Number Generation« workshop took place at Fraunhofer IOF. The participants explored, for instance, the question of what constitutes a quantum generator in the first place.


Novel UKP lasers

The Fraunhofer Cluster of Excellence Advanced Photon Sources (CAPS) exploits opportunities in the field of USP laser systems to overcome existing limitations in ultrashort pulse lasers and laser sources. 


Photonics West 2020

Fraunhofer IOF presents its promising developments at North America's largest photonics trade show, such as coating technologies and free-form optics.


New hardware for quantum communication

As part of the »InteQuant« project, IQOQI in Vienna and Fraunhofer IOF are pooling their expertise and developing new hardware for quantum communication.

Please read in german.

2019 | News und Pressemitteilungen


Luminous technologies in Las Vegas

Fraunhofer IOF will showcase innovative 3D imaging techniques and new LED lighting technology for automotive headlights at the electronics trade show CES.


»Best Paper Award 2019«

Fraunhofer IOF researcher wins “Best Scientific Paper Award 2019”. The award is given to cutting-edge technologies from the fields of light and lighting.

Please read in german.


Innovative solutions for healthcare

Researchers develop an eye-safe system for 3D imaging that offers new solutions in healthcare - for example, in measuring vital signs.


Long Night of Sciences 2019

Fraunhofer IOF and the Institute of Applied Physics pulled an all-nighter on November 22, and offered a varied program for the Long Night of Sciences 2019.


Pilot network for quantum communication

On November 12, the BMBF initiative “QuNET” for tap-proof quantum communication was launched in Jena.

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Science and art in dialogue

The new Fraunhofer Gesellschaft project aims to promote the creative exploration of scientific topics.

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Highspeed 3D thermography

Fraunhofer IOF is developing high-speed 3D camera systems that can be used, for example, in crash tests in the automotive industry.

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Fraunhofer delegation presents itself in Tokyo

To expand its international partnership with Japan, a delegation of Fraunhofer representatives traveled to Tokyo. The 4th "Digital Photonics made in Germany" symposium also took place there.


Call for applications for individuals interested in founding a company

Apply for the elevator pitches of the Digital Innovation Hub (DIHP) and receive research support!

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»Sensing with Quantum Light«

At the international symposium, science and industry discuss innovative ideas in photonic quantum sensing. 

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Elevator pitches of the Center of Excellence in Photonics

The presentation of unconventional project ideas is becoming a crowd favorite. The elevator pitches are followed with great public interest.

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Applied Photonics Award 2019

Fraunhofer IOF presented young researcher award for innovative final theses in photonics at ZEISS-Planetarium Jena. 

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VIP visit at the Photonics Days Jena

The networking and career event organized by Fraunhofer IOF for young researchers in the field of photonics offered a broad program.


Individualization in mass production

The Fraunhofer lead project "Go Beyond 4.0" succeeds in individualizing products in mass production using digital printing and laser processes.


Launching photonic excellence

The graduate school Max Planck School of Photonics and two other Max Planck Schools start their first academic year. 

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Nobel laureate pays a visit to Jena

Fraunhofer IOF hosts a free lecture series as part of Photonics Days 2019. The guest of honor is Nobel laureate Gérard Mourou.

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New board of directors of the Photonics Association

On September 12, 2019, the SPECTARIS Photonics Industry Day, the new board was elected unanimously.

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Instrument DESIS delivers hyperspectral image

Fraunhofer IOF obtained a special image of Jena. A hyperspectrally captured image of the city on the Saale shows the region in an RGB color combination.

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Symposium Quantum Sensing

The “Sensing with Quantum Light” workshop aims to push the boundaries of conventional measurement technology. 

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Quantum leap in medical imaging

Images of the invisible using new quantum imaging technique. New method allows samples to be observed for a long time with high resolution.


Photonics made in Jena

Fraunhofer IOF will again present the latest cutting-edge technologies in optics and photonics research at this year's LASER World of PHOTONICS in Munich.


Photonics Days Jena 2019

Fraunhofer IOF is once again organizing a networking and career event for students and doctoral candidates in the field of photonics.


Perfect vision for drivers

Researchers at Fraunhofer IOF developed a new lighting technology for the automotive industry, which in the future will allow design freedom. 


SPIE »Rising Researcher Award«

Outstanding achievements are rewarded - Fraunhofer IOF researcher receives the SPIE »Rising Researcher Award«.

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3rd groundbreaking ceremony with distinguished visitors

A new, third research building for Fraunhofer IOF was inaugurated with renowned guests from politics and industry. 

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Secure communication in the future

BMBF and research launch major initiative “QuNET” for quantum communication with research into quantum-based communication networks.

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Test laboratories for kW ultrashort-pulsed lasers

New application laboratories are being built in Aachen and Jena for partners from industry and research to work on newly developed multi-kW ultrashort pulse lasers.


Echelle spectrometer for environmental analysis

Accurate monitoring of toxic metal contamination can be achieved through the development of a echelle grating for environmental and water analysis.

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BMBF funds new research

New funded research initiative of Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and BMBF aims to advance quantum research into application.

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Innovation in medical technology

Novel quantum imaging technology from Fraunhofer IOF heralds quantum revolution in medical technology. 


Promoting new ideas

Starting signal for the Digital Innovation Hub Photonics in Jena. The new initiative aims to support start-up teams with research ideas in the field of photonics. 


Third ERC grant for laser researcher

Laser researcher receives ERC funding for the 3rd time. For the next 5 years, 2.5 million euros are thus available for the development of a high-power fiber laser system.

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Five awards

Jena researchers from Fraunhofer IOF and IAP received awards for their excellent research contributions at SPIE Photonics West. 

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SPIE Photonics West 2019

Fraunhofer IOF presents novel optical technologies for Earth observation at the world's leading trade fair in San Francisco.  


New trends in photonics

At CES 2019 in Las Vegas, Fraunhofer IOF will showcase future developments such as tap-proof communication and ultra-thin cameras.

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In the school of light

The best of the best will be researching light in all its facets at the Max Planck School of Photonics starting in 2019. With this, Jena now offers master's doctoral programs based on the international model.

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2018 | News und Pressemitteilungen


New Photonics Network of Excellence

Prof. Andreas Tünnermann signs cooperation agreement for Jena's Max Planck School of Photonics. 

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Revolutionary electron spectrometer

Fraunhofer researchers revolutionize electron spectrometers. With a new technology, it is now possible to measure in the megahertz range.

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Prize for the development of UKP lasers

Jena research team, including the institute director of Fraunhofer IOF, receives 2018 Lothar Späth Award. 

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First quantum encryption satellite for Europe

Fraunhofer IOF is contributing to the development of the first European quantum encryption satellite by realizing a satellite-based photon source.

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Master and PhD in Photonics

The Max Planck School of Photonics, coordinated by Fraunhofer IOF, offers a graduate program leading to a PhD degree with integrated master's degree.

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»Opti-Bond« nominated for IGF Project of the Year 2018

The project makes a significant contribution to overcoming previous limitations of optical systems. 


Multispectral sensors at VISION

Fraunhofer IOF Jena presents multispectral imaging systems and optical 3D live scanners at VISION 2018 in Stuttgart.


New space systems at Fraunhofer IOF

An overview of space systems and their future-oriented development at Fraunhofer IOF can be found here:

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Biomedicine in Erfurt

Ceremonial opening of the new Fraunhofer Project Center “Microelectronic and Optical Systems for Biomedicine” in the state capital.

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Fast method for cancer diagnosis

A Jena research team has been awarded the Kaiser Friedrich Research Prize for its optical approach to faster cancer diagnosis.

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Images from space

First images from space from aboard the ISS: The hyperspectral measuring instrument DESIS, co-developed by Fraunhofer IOF, shows the world from above.

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Research-oriented doctorate in Jena

The research societies Max Planck and Fraunhofer agreed on a research-oriented doctoral program »Max Planck School of Photonics«.

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QUILT autumn school

Fraunhofer IOF and IPM organize fall school “Quantum-Enhanced Imaging and Spectroscopy” for science and industry. 


New education program adopted

The Abbe School of Photonics and TU Delft establish a new training program for excellent young researchers.

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Ultrafast photoelectron microscopy

Thanks to the newly developed photoelectron spectrometer, measurements that previously took hours can now be performed in just a few seconds.

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Award-winning dissertation

Researcher from Jena has been awarded the Young Researcher Prize of the German Society for Applied Optics  for his dissertation on optical 3D measurement.

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On the way to the ISS

The hyperspectral measuring instrument DESIS for Earth observation, co-developed by Fraunhofer IOF Jena, was launched on a rocket to the ISS. 

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Extensive star catalog

Spectrometer grating developed at Fraunhofer IOF is part of the ESA Gaia mission to survey the galaxy.

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Science Award 2018

The Thuringian research association fo+ is awarded for its free-form optical systems. 


Optatec 2018 in Frankfurt

Fraunhofer IOF Jena showcases innovations in free-form optics, additive manufacturing, and robot-based sensors. 


HMI Highlights 2018

Fraunhofer IOF shows new developments in quantum technology, 3D sensor technology, and human-machine interaction at Hannover Messe. 

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Innovative bonding for space

Fraunhofer IOF shows new technology for manufacturing robust and compact core components of spectrometers.  


Young researcher award for master student

Marta Kazimierska receives an award from the Society for Information Display (SID) for her successful microdisplay application. 

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Go-ahead for QUILT

The cooperation agreement for the new Fraunhofer lighthouse project “QUILT” for quantum optical application research was signed. 

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ZEISS young researcher award for laser researcher

With a fundamentally new active principle, the winner lays a decisive foundation for research into fiber technologies.

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Hugo Geiger Prize

A young researcher at Fraunhofer IOF has been awarded the Hugo Geiger Prize for her doctoral thesis. 

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Haul of prizes for young researchers

Four young researchers from Jena were awarded the »Best Student Paper Award«.

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Roadmap project for fiber technology

What is needed to develop the next generation of fibers for various application areas? The roadmap project shows trends and developments.

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Large Binocular Telescope

Instrument PEPSI performs first successful light measurements on star Gamma Equ. 

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Photonics West in San Francisco

The Fraunhofer IOF presents a space-qualified light source at the largest trade fair for optical and photonic technologies.

2017 | News und Press releases


First International Fiber Technology Workshop in Jena

Lively exchange about future perspectives and challenges of the laser industry.

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Optics Talks in Jena

The industry meeting of a special kind - science meets photonics industry! On November 8, 2017, representatives of the business community came together for the 14th time for an informal exchange.

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Machines learn to understand

The innovation forum “Human-Machine Interaction” exchanges ideas about current and future challenges of MMI.

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InQuoSens serving as an interface between photonics and sensing

In Thuringia, a new innovation center for quantum optics and sensor technology is being established in Jena and Ilmenau.

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»Life meets Light«

The Leibniz Science Campus conference on October 18 offers young researchers in the fields of physics and microbiology a platform for scientific exchange.

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Antireflection for strongly curved lenses

Researchers at Fraunhofer IOF have succeeded in developing antireflective coatings based on the atomic layer deposition (ALD) process.

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»Tailored Optical Fibers« project workshop

On November 15, 2017, the first public workshop of the TOF alliance will take place in Jena. 

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Fiber lasers help find space debris

Decommissioned satellites, fragments of space stations, and remnants of space missions can be tracked down with centimeter precision using a new laser system.

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Detecting diseases with a smartphone

Fraunhofer IOF Jena presents first prototypes of fluorescence sensors at Compamed 2017 for pathogen detection.

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New Fraunhofer project center in Erfurt

An interdisciplinary center is being established in Erfurt in the field of microelectronic and optical systems for research into new biomedical applications.

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National network of excellence in Jena

A new form of graduate funding - the BMBF endorses the establishment of the Network of Excellence for Photonics Research Max Planck School of Photonics.


Lecture on optical 3D metrology

On August 15, 2017, Fraunhofer IOF will host a public lecture on highly dynamic 3D acquisition of complex scenes and object geometries.

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Compensation of atmospheric turbulence

An adaptive optics system developed at Fraunhofer IOF can precompensate laser beams over a horizontal test range of almost 500 meters.

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Infrastructure for photonics research

German government science council enables major research infrastructure “National Photonics Labs” in Jena. 

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A quarter of a century of Fraunhofer IOF

Celebration of the 25th anniversary of Fraunhofer IOF and opening of the new Fiber Technology Center with prominent guests.


Ultrafast pulse laser

A comparative study on ultrashort pulse lasers by Jena researchers has been published in the journal “Laser & Photonics Reviews”. Topic: approaches to delivering single-cycle pulses at high average mean power.

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Sustainability through photonics

Young researchers received the Fraunhofer IOF Green Photonics Award for innovative theses. 

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Laser World of Photonics 2017

Fraunhofer IOF Jena presents new developments: including scattered light measurement technology and, for the first time, a new technology for quantum communication.


New fiber technology center in Jena

The topping-out ceremony for a fiber technology center was celebrated at Fraunhofer IOF. Special laboratories for the production of micro- and nanostructured optical fibers are being built in the premises.

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Jena's skyline in the United States

Thuringian delegation visits optics city Rochester (USA) and hands over holographic laser projector from Jena for Rochester Museum & Science Center.


Secure communication via satellite

Quantum cryptography is to be transferred from theory to practice. Fraunhofer IOF is working on new photon sources for space applications.

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25 years of Fraunhofer: Anniversary exhibition

In the current exhibition at the International Congress Center Dresden, the Fraunhofer IOF provides insights into the research highlights of recent years.

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HMI 2017: Robots learn to see

Fraunhofer IOF presents an optical 3D sensor for dynamic real-time interaction between humans and machines. 

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Satellite Sentinel-2B launches space mission

Sentinel-2B launched into space on March 7, 2017 with optical components from Fraunhofer IOF for its Earth observation mission to document changes in the land surface and vegetation.

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New project on digital manufacturing

New lighthouse project “Go Beyond 4.0” aims to develop new manufacturing strategies to produce small batches and one-offs in mass production.

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Delegation trip to California

Expansion of scientific relations: Thuringia's Center of Excellence in Photonics cooperates with Californian research institutions.

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March for Science

Demonstrations will take place worldwide on April 22, 2017, to highlight the value of research and science in democratic societies. All citizens in Jena are are invited to participate.

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Distinguished visitors at the Beutenberg campus

In February 2017, the Dutch King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima were guests in Thuringia. On the second day of their stay, they visited the Fraunhofer IOF.

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Photonics West 2017 in San Francisco

Fraunhofer IOF Jena presents high-resolution real-time NIR 3D scanner for synchronous image capturing. 


Culture at your fingertips

The dream of holding valuable cultural assets in your own hands could soon become reality. The project "Digital Culture and Collection Management in 3D" is to realize detailed object replicas with the help of state-of-the-art measuring technology.

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Faceted eyes for industry

At the CES 2017 technology trade show in Las Vegas, Fraunhofer IOF is presenting an ultra-thin camera with a lens made of 135 tiny facets.

News | 2025


MERTIS zeigt Merkur in neuem Licht

Am 01. Dezember absolvierte die ESA-Mission BepiColombo erfolgreich ihren fünften von insgesamt sechs Vorbeiflügen am Zielplanten Merkur.