Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering IOF developed a key component for one of the spectrometers on board that could withstand even the extreme conditions in space.
Research scientists at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) Institute of Communications and Navigation have set up a laser-optic channel between a research aircraft and a ground station.
Our new webinar series will offer exclusive insights into pioneering research and technologies in the fields of optics and photonics, starting September 12, 2024.
Für ihre bahnbrechende Arbeit im Bereich EUV-Lichtquellen und nanoskaliger EUV-Bildgebung wurden Prof. Dr. Jens Limpert und Dr. Jan Rothhardt ausgezeichnet.
The joint research aims to connect several users within the Berlin metropolitan region in a quantum-secure network as part of a large-scale key experiment.
The new MANTIS research project aims to help protect critical infrastructure such as gas control systems from cyber attacks. The project has now been officially launched.
A high-precision double slit was developed at Fraunhofer IOF for the spectrometer on ESA's FLEX satellite. The assembly will be exhibited at SPIE Photonics West 2024.
20 years of Fraunhofer IOF, 25 years of IAP, 60th birthday: In a two-part series of interviews, we talk to Institute Director Andreas Tünnermann about his anniversaries in 2023.
20 years of Fraunhofer IOF, 25 years of IAP, 60th birthday: In a two-part series of interviews, we talk to Institute Director Andreas Tünnermann about his anniversaries in 2023.
Quantum imaging promises major advances in biomedicine. With the help of quantum physics, infrared microscopy could be used in everyday cancer diagnostics in the future.
In July, Carolin Rothhardt competed in the Women's World Gliding Championships. As a scientist, she researches joining technologies for space and quantum applications.
With his dissertation, he laid the foundation for a new method for 3D measurement of transparent objects. Dr. Martin Landmann was awarded the Siegfried Werth Prize 2023 for his work.
Researchers at Fraunhofer IOF have succeeded in producing a metasurface with a diameter of almost 30 centimeters using electron beam lithography - a world record.
The Collaborative Research Center "NOA - Nonlinear Optics on Atomic Scales" has been conducting research on questions of light-matter interaction funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) since 2019.
The MaMeK joint project, which is focusing on projection systems for human-machine communication, will present their findings at the LASER World of PHOTONICS trade fair in Munich from June 27 to 30 (Booth 415, Hall A2).
The QUANCER research alliance is conducting research on a new imaging method using quantum microscopy. The aim is to accelerate tumour diagnostics using quantum imaging.
Students and graduates can register until 31 May. From 17 to 29 September, interested parties will have the opportunity to experience research on applied photonics during a study trip. Participation is free of charge.
Under the leadership of the French Embassy in Germany, a delegation of French representatives from politics, science and industry visited the Fraunhofer IOF on May 11.
On April 13, the JUICE mission starts to explore Jupiter and its moons. On board of the spacecraft: GALA, an instrument co-developed by Fraunhofer IOF.
Members of Parliament from Europe, the Federal Government and the State inform themselves at Fraunhofer IOF about quantum research as a chance for a sovereign Europe.
The Fraunhofer IOF and the Research and Innovation Center RhySearch invite you to the eighth international symposium OCLA in Jena on March 28 and 29, 2023.
For the third time, the Fraunhofer IOF is offering the "Photonics Manager Compact" as an international advanced training programme for managers in the optics and photonics industry.
At SPIE Photonics West, Fraunhofer IOF will present a newly developed wavelength division multiplexer that makes data transmissions significantly more powerful.
On January 12, the elevator pitches of the "Digital Innovation Hub Photonics" took place. Five teams received research funding for their ideas in optics and photonics.
An international research team, including members of Fraunhofer IOF, has succeeded in developing a new and particularly precise type of quantum measurement.
Quantum communication via free beams is being researched on a test track in Jena. The test track will be demonstrated live during the »Long Night of the Sciences Jena«.
The »Photonics Days Jena« were again met with great international demand: a total of 18 nationalities were present at the event for students and doctoral candidates in the field of optics and photonics.
Together with partners, Fraunhofer IOF has developed innovative heart valves and pumps in a long-term cooperation. On the occasion of World Heart Day, we take a look at the history of the joint research work.
Prof. Dr. Andreas Tünnermann was appointed member of the newly founded »Rat für technologische Souveränität« of the BMBF. The board met for its inaugural meeting on September 1, 2022.
A research team has succeeded for the first time in functionalizing optical fibers in such a way that they transform invisible infrared light into red light.
Fraunhofer IOF is involved in aerospace missions with many of its systems. Representatives from research, industry and politics came together to discuss current challenges.
Institute celebrates 30th anniversary and topping-out ceremony
On July 7, the institute celebrated 30 years of research. In addition, the topping-out ceremony for a new research building was held for, among other things, future quantum research.
Fraunhofer IOF and OptoNet e.V. organize once again their international workshop “Ultra Precision Manufacturing of Aspheres and Freeforms" from September 14 to 15 in Jena.
Together with industrial partner Varian Medical Systems, Fraunhofer IOF has developed a novel system for the radiation treatment of tumors, which has been awarded the Joseph von Fraunhofer Prize.
Mirrors manufactured at Fraunhofer IOF have been launched into space as part of the hyperspectral satellite »EnMAP«. From space, it is designed to analyze our environment in the future and make potential natural hazards visible.
Two research teams from Fraunhofer IOF and TU Ilmenau were honored at the SPIE conference in Orlando for their innovative contributions with the »Best Paper Awards«.
Fraunhofer IOF is supplying a miniaturized laser module for the mobile laboratory of the Mars rover for the ExoMars mission in 2022. The rover is to search for traces of life.
On May 23, 2022, the Digital Innovation Hub Photonics (DIHP) is once again inviting ideation teams, startups, and SMEs to present their innovative projects.
With the »Photonics Manager Compact« we provide you with exclusive insights into the most important future markets and latest technologies in photonics - register now!
Robust AO, a Jena-based start-up and Fraunhofer IOF spin-off, has been awarded the Thuringia Start-up Prize. The company was able to convince the jury in the category FOUNDING.
At COMPAMED 2021 from November 15 to 18, Fraunhofer IOF will present technologies for 3D printing as well as components for »Lab-on-a-Chip«-systems from November 15 to 18.
A new reflecting telescope for the International Space Station (ISS) aims to provide answers to climate change. It was developed by researchers from Jena and Freiburg.
The Thuringian Ministry of Economics, Science, and Digital Society is providing 12 million euros to support the acquisition of a new lithography system at the Fraunhofer IOF.
Fraunhofer IOF is expanding its research buildings. Together with representatives from politics and and science, the foundation stone was laid on July 15.
On May 31, the competence center »Quantum Hub Thüringen« was opened in Erfurt. The network aims to promote quantum research in Freistatt in the future.
With a stimulus package for the future of 1.1 billion euros over the next five years, the BMBF intends to promote the development of quantum technologies in Germany over the next five years.
Fiber optic networks must become more efficient in order to meet the standards of future technologies. Two new research projects are tackling this task.
In the »Mobile Disinfection« (MobDi) research project, 12 Fraunhofer institutes are pooling their expertise to contribute to a safe »new normal« in pandemic times.
Fraunhofer IOF spin-off for the development of high-security communication systems can offer quantum-based solutions for state-of-the-art communication systems thanks to new investors.
New business ideas and young research in the field of optics and photonics – at Jena's »Digital Innovations Hub Photonics«, innovative research and start-up projects were once again honored.
Members of parliament visited two quantum laboratories and learned about future-oriented projects in the field of quantum research at the Fraunhofer IOF.
Creativity meets career planning! Fraunhofer IOF and the Max Planck School of Photonics hosted their networking and career event for students on September 21 and 22.
Optically cooled quartz glass as the cooling and refrigerant of the future – our glass material, which is used in high-power fiber lasers, made laser cooling in fused silica possible for the first time.
The international career and networking event of Fraunhofer IOF for students of optics and photonics takes place virtually for the first time this year.
Laser researchers in Jena are celebrating the birthday of the laser. The City of Light is among the spearheads of research in the field of laser technology.
»acatech IMPULS« presents the current state of quantum technologies in Germany. The institute's director, Prof. Andreas Tünnermann, was also interviewed.
Using »Snifits4Health«, measuring metabolite concentrations in the blood within minutes could soon become a reality. Researchers want to develop a portable measuring device.
Climate satellites, space optics, and photon sources – start-up enthusiasts presented their ideas to a jury of experts as part of the Digital Innovation Hub Photonics.
The 3DF scanner developed at Fraunhofer IOF secures traces left behind within seconds without interference. The scanner has now been presented at GPEC.
From January 23 – 24, the »Quantum Random Number Generation« workshop took place at Fraunhofer IOF. The participants explored, for instance, the question of what constitutes a quantum generator in the first place.
The Fraunhofer Cluster of Excellence Advanced Photon Sources (CAPS) exploits opportunities in the field of USP laser systems to overcome existing limitations in ultrashort pulse lasers and laser sources.
As part of the »InteQuant« project, IQOQI in Vienna and Fraunhofer IOF are pooling their expertise and developing new hardware for quantum communication.
Fraunhofer IOF will showcase innovative 3D imaging techniques and new LED lighting technology for automotive headlights at the electronics trade show CES.
Fraunhofer IOF researcher wins “Best Scientific Paper Award 2019”. The award is given to cutting-edge technologies from the fields of light and lighting.
Fraunhofer IOF and the Institute of Applied Physics pulled an all-nighter on November 22, and offered a varied program for the Long Night of Sciences 2019.
To expand its international partnership with Japan, a delegation of Fraunhofer representatives traveled to Tokyo. The 4th "Digital Photonics made in Germany" symposium also took place there.
Fraunhofer IOF obtained a special image of Jena. A hyperspectrally captured image of the city on the Saale shows the region in an RGB color combination.
Fraunhofer IOF will again present the latest cutting-edge technologies in optics and photonics research at this year's LASER World of PHOTONICS in Munich.
New application laboratories are being built in Aachen and Jena for partners from industry and research to work on newly developed multi-kW ultrashort pulse lasers.
Starting signal for the Digital Innovation Hub Photonics in Jena. The new initiative aims to support start-up teams with research ideas in the field of photonics.
Laser researcher receives ERC funding for the 3rd time. For the next 5 years, 2.5 million euros are thus available for the development of a high-power fiber laser system.
The best of the best will be researching light in all its facets at the Max Planck School of Photonics starting in 2019. With this, Jena now offers master's doctoral programs based on the international model.
Researcher from Jena has been awarded the Young Researcher Prize of the German Society for Applied Optics for his dissertation on optical 3D measurement.
The industry meeting of a special kind - science meets photonics industry! On November 8, 2017, representatives of the business community came together for the 14th time for an informal exchange.
The Leibniz Science Campus conference on October 18 offers young researchers in the fields of physics and microbiology a platform for scientific exchange.
Decommissioned satellites, fragments of space stations, and remnants of space missions can be tracked down with centimeter precision using a new laser system.
An interdisciplinary center is being established in Erfurt in the field of microelectronic and optical systems for research into new biomedical applications.
A new form of graduate funding - the BMBF endorses the establishment of the Network of Excellence for Photonics Research Max Planck School of Photonics.
A comparative study on ultrashort pulse lasers by Jena researchers has been published in the journal “Laser & Photonics Reviews”. Topic: approaches to delivering single-cycle pulses at high average mean power.
Fraunhofer IOF Jena presents new developments: including scattered light measurement technology and, for the first time, a new technology for quantum communication.
The topping-out ceremony for a fiber technology center was celebrated at Fraunhofer IOF. Special laboratories for the production of micro- and nanostructured optical fibers are being built in the premises.
In the current exhibition at the International Congress Center Dresden, the Fraunhofer IOF provides insights into the research highlights of recent years.
Sentinel-2B launched into space on March 7, 2017 with optical components from Fraunhofer IOF for its Earth observation mission to document changes in the land surface and vegetation.
Demonstrations will take place worldwide on April 22, 2017, to highlight the value of research and science in democratic societies. All citizens in Jena are are invited to participate.
In February 2017, the Dutch King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima were guests in Thuringia. On the second day of their stay, they visited the Fraunhofer IOF.
The dream of holding valuable cultural assets in your own hands could soon become reality. The project "Digital Culture and Collection Management in 3D" is to realize detailed object replicas with the help of state-of-the-art measuring technology.